(2) Property sold without covenant or warranty, express or implied, as to the title possession or encumbrances (3) At the close of the auction, Purchaser shall pay 100% of the highest successful bid price (“Bid”) by money order, certified, or cashier’s check drawn against a United States based financial institution, in US Currency, made payable to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY provided that Mortgagee may submit a credit bid up to the amount of the secured indebtedness (4) Purchaser shall pay all closing costs including, but not limited to: costs of document drafting, notary fees, consent fees, escrow fees, conveyance tax, recordation fees and other charges, together with any special assessments which may arise under HRS 514B-146(g)(h)(i) (5) If title is not conveyed to Purchaser for any reason, other than Purchaser’s failure to perform as specified herein, the Mortgagee’s sole responsibility shall be the return of the Bid funds tendered by Purchaser. Terms of the sale are: (1) No upset price. Each of the properties is to be sold as an undivided timeshare interest. Hilton Resorts Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, as Mortgagee, whose address is 6355 Metrowest Blvd #180, Orlando, FL 32839, intends to foreclose its said mortgage, and will hold a sale by public auction of Fee Simple property being that certain project, WBLK Vacation Suites, located at 69-699 Waikoloa Beach Dr, Waikoloa, HI 96738 on at Hale Halawai Park, 75-5760 Alii Dr, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, near the bulletin board at front entrance at 1:00 PM.

(See Schedule “1”), that a mortgage lien exists against each of the Vacation Ownership Interests identified on (Schedule “1”) in favor of Hilton Resorts Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, for failure to pay the amounts owed and secured by the respective Mortgages. Notice is Hereby Given pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §667-61 through §667-65 and Purchase Money Mortgage, Security Agreement, and Financing Statement with (See Schedule “1”), as Mortgagor, dated (See Schedule “1”), recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S INTENTION TO FORECLOSURE UNDER NON-JUDICIAL POWER OF SALE.